  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by stewartntownsend@... 15 years, 2 months ago

BootStrapUK is live soon and be available in other countries later in the year, in the meantime if you would like to see what you missed at the launch then go HERE now.





What: BootStrapCamp - The Mega Launch

When: July 30, 2009 6:00 PM



45, King William St EC4R 9AN


07876 396788

BootStrap Camp is a community and online service built and supported by a network of entrepreneurs active in the digital sector in the UK.

BootStrap Camp has been set up to allow early-stage entrepreneurs & startups to connect with each other in order to help each other boot strap their businesses.

This is achieved with an online service (bootstrapcamp.org & @bootstrapcamp) and events across the UK.

In simple terms the service enables entrepreneurs to list their needs (what they need to grow their business - eg: development) and their offers (what they can offer fellow members in terms of services - eg: design).

The service helps members locate other members whose offers match their needs and provides a simple but effective mechanism to enable members to help each other and in exchange earn BootStrap Credits which can then be used to purchase services from other members.

The concept of BootStrap Credits provides an effective solution to the problem that in most cases any two members are unlikely to having reciporicaly matching offers and needs.

The initial version of bootstrapcamp.org will be available to the community on the 30th July and you are invited to join your fellow BootStrappers at a a BootStrap Camp event in London for an evening of networking and specifically discussion on how to improve the service for the benefit of all.

To mark the ‘launch’ of BootStrap Camp we have teamed up with Tribewanted.com who are offering up to 25 weeks on Vorovoro (the Tribewanted Island in Fiji, South Pacific) in exchange for development, design and deployment services from BootStrap Camp members.

Members of BootStrap Camp who have BootStrap Credits (either by providing services for Tribewanted or other members) can exchange these at any time for weeks on the island. Ie: BootStrap Credits can be used to purchase a unique holiday/travel experience as well as purchase services from other members.


Tribewanted has spent the last three years building a cross-cultural community on the Fijian Island of Vorovoro.

1000 'tribe members' have participated in the project and thousands more have been involved with the story online.

Through the publicity the project has gained (BBC doc, book, national geographic cover story) people from all corners of the world have proposed that Tribewanted launch new projects on their land and in their communities.

The challenge is to develop the Tribewanted digital platform so that it can turn one island community into a global network of like-minded tribes and changemakers.

Develop for the tribe and go to Fiji:

Tribewanted Offers: 25 weeks on Vorovoro (25 credits)

Tribewanted is banking £5000 worth of island time at Bootstrap - that's 25 weeks on the beach or time on future Tribewanted projects - in exchange for help with developing Tribewanted online.

Developers wanted to turn Tribewanted.com (ruby) social network into platform to launch multiple tribes.

Key requirements to include:

1. Develop a system for new Tribewanted projects to apply, compete and be selected by the members

2. Develop a system of Tribewanted credits that can be earnt, bought and exchanged in return for time on Tribewanted projects

3. Develop a mobile application for sharing Tribewanted content and credits

Developers will be working directly with Ben Keene, founder of Tribewanted. See you on the beach!

ABOUT http://www.tribewanted.com/about

BBC series: Paradise or Bust http://www.tribewanted.com/page/paradise_or_bust

Design & development July-October 2009. Testing/beta November/December. Launch Jan 2010




What is BootStrap Camp ?


BootStrap Camp is an event (on the 26th February - details below) and community of people in the digital sector who are trading & bartering their skills, services & resources with each other.


This helps them grow their businesses at a time when early stage & seed funding is hard to come by. By meeting with like minded people and trading skills & services with each other they may be able to reduce their need for external funding and develop strong partnerships & networks in the process.


We believe their is an opportunity to develop BootStrap Camp into a service by the community for the community to help us all grow and prosper. Please feel free to request access to this Wiki or make your suggestions on how we can improve the concept by following @bootstrapcamp and posting a public tweet.


If you are involved in a startup and would like to grow your business by trading your skills, services & resources with others or you are a freelancer and would like to work with startups by trading your time & skills then:


1) follow @bootstrapcamp on twitter

2) register for the first BootStrap Camp event on the 26th Feb (details below) - there is no charge

3) request access to this wiki and create a page with details of the skils, services & resources you can OFFER and the skills, services & resources you NEED

4) post your ideas & suggestions on how we can all improve BootStrap Camp by posting a public tweet on twitter @bootstrapcamp



To provide a physical place to meet each other and start the process of trading our skills, services & resources we're organising an event for the community on the 26th Feb to be held at the offices of Sun Microsystems in London.


When is the first networking event ?


26th February - 16.00 PM - 18.00 PM


Where is it ?


London CBC (Customer Briefing Centre)
Sun Microsystems Ltd.
Regis House
45 King William Street








So, its 2009 and it seems we are in a rising market for startups, the passion and enthusiasm is growing expodentially day by day, but also there is a problem as well, that is hindering all of us, money. Investors are having to rethink their pot of money, as they will need more to keep their portfolios boyount and ready for sale, but also the valuations of those sales have decreased, thus they do not know how much they need for the future.


So on a Virgin train home from London, and having a thinking moment, Bootstrapcamp was born as a concept, then became reality after speaking to Simon Grice and David Petherick who then helped nurture the idea, from something complicated to its simplest form - bartering.


What does that mean in English ?


  • I Stewart Townsend have a large network of contacts and a passion for bright shirts, that is my skills.
  • I require some Wordpress skills to create some personal blogs for me.
  • I meet Mr/Mrs Wordpress skills person at BootStrap Camp and define to them, what I require and what I can offer in return.
  • We agree on this.
  • Then deliver on this.
  • Then put this transaction up on the wiki, to show this has taken place and value and rate this deal.


So we swap our skills, both receive something we require and then rate each other, to make it clear to the community how well it went, would we work together again.


Who is behind BootStrap Camp ?






@you ! - BootStrap Camp is a community resource/service/idea by the community for the community so please get involved - offer your ideas, skills, services & resources to help us make BootStrap Camp what it needs to be to help us all grow.


Draft charter added for review The Charter


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